Friday 17 August 2012

Have fallen victim to internet scam

Yep, folks, I should have known better but the email from Amazon looked so convincing. Alarm bells did ring when I typed in my password and instead of seeing dots, I actually saw my password. Suffice to say I didn't include that. Did include my bank card number though. Stupid stupid. Have cancelled my bank cards and am waiting for the new one. I also opened a new account just in case! At the minute though, no fraudulent transctions have been made.
The scam did leave a nasty trojan and virus that myself and the good people at BT IT helpdesk had sorted out. Until that is, I tried to access my Amazon account to check an order. This time my whole internet connection was lost. I think somehow it deleted the wireless signal or something. I'm useless at computers so that's only guesswork. At the moment my laptop is in the hands of Paynes Computers. Those guys are the best. They are confident my laptop will be its old self come Sunday. God I hope so. I never realised how much I relied on my computer until I lost it. Now Richard has to go to Tesco in person to do our weekly shop! Something we haven't done since Alice was 2 months old. She's now nearly 7!
I need my laptop because my latest book Lust in the First Degree is now complete, just a few bits of polishing, but it's ready to be submitted to Siren. It's the fourth and final book of the Andersons series and is the hottest thing I have ever written.
Well, I'd better sign off now. I'm using a library computer and my time is almost up. Thank God for libraries! As Arnie said "I'll be back."

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